Daycare gives puppies a great opportunity to socialize while also burning off extra energy. However, that doesn’t mean taking your puppy to just any daycare facility. It’s important to find puppy daycare that offers a safe environment for young pups to play in, especially if they haven’t fully completed their vaccinations. If cost is a concern, you should also look for affordable daycare facilities that fit your budget. These are some of the top factors to consider when choosing daycare for puppies.
Safety First
Puppy daycare facilities should understand and take precautions to guard against potential dangers to younger dogs. These precautions include having a separate play area for puppies, so that they won’t be stepped on or hurt by larger dogs. This play area should be enclosed to prevent puppies from getting out and running off, especially if they haven’t gone through obedience training and learned to obey commands such as “stay.”
Daycare for puppies should also minimize the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Puppies are particularly vulnerable to parvovirus and other diseases that they haven’t received complete vaccinations for. Providing these young dogs with a clean environment helps lower this risk. This can be done by requiring older puppies and adult dogs in the facility to be up-to-date on their vaccinations.
Obedience training is essential for puppies in order for them to learn proper behavior. Some puppy daycare places offer training classes or one-on-one training that owners can sign up for. Taking these classes means puppies can learn to obey commands from a trained professional who understands how to use positive reinforcement for obedience training. This can be beneficial for puppy owners who aren’t sure how to train or for those who don’t have enough time to devote to training.
The cost of puppy daycare can add up for those who have their puppies go every day or even a few times a week. Those who are worried about these costs can find affordable daycare, such as places that offer discounts for regular customers or places that offer discounts for owners who have more than one dog. Finding a place that has discounts available or places that offer more budget-friendly rates can help owners save a considerable amount of money on the cost of puppy daycare.