Friday, November 25, 2016

Why dog training benefits you as an owner

Training your dog is an important part of making sure that your pet is well-behaved around you and other people and pets. It also boosts your pet’s quality of life overall. Dog training helps your pet learn how to behave, but it also offers a few important benefits for you as a dog owner.

Less Stress
Living with a dog who has not been trained can be incredibly stressful for pet owners. Dogs who have not been through obedience training are more likely to engage in troublesome behaviors, such as chewing on your belongings or jumping up on you and other people. Training helps you set boundaries on what is appropriate or inappropriate, so your dog can learn proper behavior. This makes your dog easier to live with and more pleasant to have around when you have guests over. If you live in an apartment, having a well-behaved dog also means you won’t have to worry about neighbors complaining to the landlord about your pet.

Strong Bond
Working on obedience training provides you with an opportunity to create a strong bond with your dog. You can make this bond even stronger by focusing on positive reinforcement while training, so your dog associates obedience training with something good. Making training fun for your dog can also strengthen the bond between you and make it seem like less of a chore for both of you. Building this relationship with your dog through training is a rewarding experience that can improve your quality of life, as well as your dog’s quality of life.

Having a dog who is properly trained can keep you and other family members safe by lowering the risk of aggressive behavior. Dog training helps your dog understand that you are in charge, which makes your pet more likely to listen to you when you issue commands instead of being bossy or pushy. Training also means you can worry less about your dog getting into fights with other dogs or other animals. Keep in mind that obeying commands such as “stay” also prevents your dog from getting into potentially dangerous situations, such as running into the street or approaching a harmful object.

Just remember that dog training takes patience and persistence. Take your time, focus on positive reinforcement and your dog will eventually learn to listen to your commands.

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