Tuesday, December 12, 2017

5 Grooming Tools You Can't Live Without

Keeping your pets groomed regularly is important for their health and happiness. You can do most grooming at home as long as you have the right kinds of supplies. The following are pet grooming supplies that you should have in your home.

Brush and Comb:
Brushing and combing your pet helps remove dead hair and prevent mats from forming. Brushing also helps keep your pet’s coat and skin in good condition. Choose the right brush depending on your dog’s coat. Common types include bristle brush, slicker brush, wire-pin brush, rubber curry brush and wide-toothed comb.

Dog Shampoo:
Bathing your pets on a regular basis is also important for keeping their skin and coat clean. Keep in mind that your pet grooming supplies for baths should always include dog shampoo. Never use human shampoo on pets, since it can hurt their skin. Choose a dog shampoo that will moisturize their skin if needed, and consider special ones, such as whitening shampoos or medicated ones, for dogs with certain coats or skin problems.

Ear Cleaning:
Keeping your pets’ ears clean helps lower the risk of infections. When choosing ear cleaning supplies, pick a cleaning solution that you can squirt inside the ears to reach deeper areas. You should also have cleaning pads that can help get rid of dirt and debris just inside the ears, but don’t use these in the ear canal or deeper parts of the ears.

Dental Supplies:
Clean teeth and gums help protect your pets’ health. For cleaning their teeth, you’ll need a toothpaste made for dogs rather than human toothpaste, which can hurt their stomach. You’ll also need a toothbrush with gentle bristles on it in order to clean their teeth thoroughly.

Nail Trimmers:
Keeping nails trimmed helps ensure that your pets can walk around comfortably. Choose nail trimmers based on the size and thickness of your pets’ nails. Common types include scissor nail trimmers, guillotine clippers and grinder tools. Trim your pets’ nails when they’re long enough to reach the floor while they walk, so they won't catch on anything and tear.

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