Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Puppy Boarding Requirements

Boarding is a convenient option for most dogs when their owners have to be away from home, but what about puppies? Since puppies are generally more vulnerable and more at risk of certain illnesses, boarding facilities usually have requirements about age. Find out more about puppy boarding, so you can properly plan ahead for an upcoming trip.

Age Requirements
You won’t be able to board a newborn puppy or one that’s only a few weeks old, but you should be able to find a place for boarding when your puppy is around a few months old. Puppy boarding facilities maintain these requirements in an effort to prevent puppies from becoming sick from kennel cough and other contagious illnesses. Younger dogs have a higher risk of complications from some of these diseases. In general, you’ll find that boarding places require puppies to have at least one round of vaccines before being allowed to stay there. This typically means that puppies around three months old or older can board. If you’re concerned about health risks that your puppy might face while being around other dogs, consider waiting until after her second round of vaccines to board her. Puppies usually get this second round when they’re about four months old.

Vaccine Requirements
For the safety of all dogs that board, dog boarding facilities require up-to-date vaccinations. Your puppy won’t be able to board if she hasn’t had any, but she should be allowed to if she’s had her rabies vaccine and any other required vaccinations. It’s best to check with the dog boarding facility to learn more about vaccine requirements.

Parasite Concerns
Puppies with parasites, such as worms, won’t be able to board. Most boarding places won’t allow dogs to board unless you can prove that your puppy is free of worms and other parasites. This is also done in order to keep all dogs in the facility safe and reduce the risk of parasite infestations. When boarding, you can expect to be asked to prove that your puppy has gone through the deworming process and doesn’t have fleas or other parasites.

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