Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Avoid these Holiday Hazards for Dogs

Holidays are a fun and festive time for your family. However, this time can be dangerous for your pet. During this busy season of constant distractions, it can be easy to overlook potential doggie dangers.

Watch Out for These Top Holiday Hazards for Pets

·         Winter Plants

Though pretty, these holiday plants can be poisonous and potentially deadly:
o    Christmas tree needles can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, and trembling if ingested.
o    Holly can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and depression.
o    Mistletoe can also cause severe vomiting and diarrhea, in addition to hallucinations, difficulty breathing, collapse, and death.
o    Poinsettias are not toxic but can cause vomiting if consumed in large quantities.

·         Holiday Ornaments

Bright, colorful ornaments often resemble favored pet toys. If your dog chews on these sharp, fragile objects their mouth, throat, and intestinals can be severly injured.

·         Tinsel

Shiny tinsel can attract curious canines. If consumed, it can cause serious injury, bunching in intestines, and requiring emergency surgery.

·         Holiday Lighting

Twinkling, dangling lights can draw in your curious canine. For those that love to chew, this can be especially dangerous, resulting in electrical shock. Keep holiday lighting and wiring well-secured and out of sight whenever possible, using them with a grounded, 3-prong extension cord for safety.

·         Candles

Pets can get serious burns from candles or knock them over, creating a fire hazard. To enjoy candles safely, keep them in hard to reach spots that are inaccessible by pets.

·         Gift Ribbon

Ribbon “collars” might look cute, but they can quickly become a choking hazard. If chewed and swallowed, they can also twist through the intestines, requiring emergency surgery. Always discard gift detritus quickly.

·         Holiday Food
Cautioning visiting friends and family members about the dangers of feeding table scraps to your pup is essential. Many favored holiday treats are dangerous for your doggie.
o    Chocolate can be deadly. (Link-What-To-Do-If-Eaten-Halloween-Candy)
o    Fat trimmings can cause painful, potentially deadly pancreatitis.
o    Bones could choke your pet.
o    Nuts in cookies and other treats can be toxic.

Hair-raising holiday experience? Tame the mane with the help of DoGone Fun bathing and grooming services today.

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