Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Yeast Dermatitis: What Your Dog Groomers Should Know

Yeast dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause itching, redness and other symptoms. While this condition is common and treatable, it can lead to more serious problems if it’s not handled correctly. Your vet can provide you with the treatment your dog needs. If you have your dog professionally groomed, keep in mind that dog groomers can also play a role in helping her recover and maintain healthy skin. Learn more about yeast dermatitis in dogs.

Causes of Yeast Dermatitis
The fungus that causes yeast dermatitis normally lives on a dog’s skin. However, it can cause problems when it grows abnormally. Dogs can end up with yeast dermatitis if they develop oily skin due to allergies or other causes. This condition can also occur in dogs that have an immune problem that makes it harder to fight off these infections. Other causes of yeast dermatitis include taking medication that affects the immune system, which can result in chronic yeast infections.

Yeast dermatitis is not a contagious skin condition, so your dog won’t get it from other dogs. Certain breeds have a higher risk of having this condition, including Llasa apsos, dachshunds, chihuahuas, basset hounds and cocker spaniels.

Symptoms of Yeast Dermatitis
When dogs have yeast dermatitis, they usually end up having red, itchy skin. They might also have scaly or flaky areas of skin and a musty odor. Other symptoms that can occur with this condition include darkly pigmented skin in certain areas or thickened skin. Some dogs develop chronic ear infections when they have yeast dermatitis.

Treatment for Yeast Dermatitis
Your vet can diagnose yeast dermatitis and discuss treatment options with you. Diagnosing this condition involves taking a sample of skin for analysis. Depending on how severe this condition is, different types of treatment are offered. Topical treatments that are applied to the skin through medicated shampoo are typically used as part of treatment. These shampoos help destroy the fungus that causes yeast dermatitis. Oral treatment is used for more severe or chronic yeast dermatitis.

Grooming and Yeast Dermatitis
You can follow the treatment guidelines that your vet gives you at home to make sure that your dog’s skin improves. However, professional groomers can help out as well. Groomers should know how to bathe and groom dogs that have yeast dermatitis so that the condition doesn’t get worse. It’s also important to handle the skin gently to lower the risk of developing secondary bacterial skin infections due to open sores.

Keep in mind that once your dog has recovered from yeast dermatitis, regular grooming with a professional groomer can help reduce the risk of getting this skin condition again. With routine grooming, dog groomers can help your dog’s skin stay healthy and prevent it from becoming oily, reducing the risk of yeast dermatitis.

If your dog needs a bath, haircut or other grooming services, contact DoGone Fun. We offer a wide range of dog grooming services to help your dog look and feel healthy, including medicated shampoo or other special treatment shampoos if needed.

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